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History of RESCU

Spokane Police Credit Union Original LogoThe Responders Emergency Services Credit Union®, (RESCU), was originally organized on November 23, 1966 as Spokane Police Credit Union, (SPCU), by Bob Owen and eight fellow police officers. Bob laid the groundwork with the help of the Credit Union League representatives and other credit union managers. Our credit union started with Bob’s dollars - $50.25 – the 25 cents was the cost to join, plus paying for supplies.

The first SPCU annual meeting was held at Spokane’s Inland Power & Light Building on 2nd Avenue. Refreshments were cases of “warm” beer donated by the Police Property Room and broken potato chips from Nalley’s. There were only a handful of members at that first meeting, not enough for a quorum. Bob got on the phone and called the front desk – told them to get a wagon loaded with officers and send them right up – he needed “bodies” and he told them there was lots of free food! It is truly amazing that one man could be so sure that a Police Credit Union was what was needed and then put forth all the effort to start it and make it go.

SLECU First LogoAs the credit union grew, Law Enforcement personnel from other agencies desired membership. To accommodate these requests, the credit union’s By-Laws were revised to accept all branches of Law Enforcement in Washington’s Spokane County. As a direct result of this expansion in eligible membership, in the mid 1990’s, the name of the credit union was changed to Spokane Law Enforcement Credit Union, (SLECU). This timeframe saw an expansion in the financial products and services the credit union offered.

SLECU Revised LogoIn 2011, with a change in leadership and a renewed focus, the branding of the credit union was updated to better represent its membership. This resulted in a further expansion of eligible membership for Law Enforcement to include the surrounding counties, along with expanded financial products and services. SLECU was recognized as being among the strongest credit unions of its size as it skillfully navigated the “Great Recession” and continued striving for excellence in the service of its membership.

RESCU First LogoIn 2017, in order to further strengthen the credit union in the years ahead, the membership directed its management to pursue a further expansion of eligible membership to include their fellow Civil First Responders in all branches associated with Law Enforcement, Firefighter, and Emergency Medical Services in the State of Washington and the Idaho Panhandle.

The necessary regulatory requirements to accomplish this membership expansion were successfully executed. This required the credit union be renamed to better represent its membership. After much consideration, the Board of Directors and Management changed the name of the credit union to Responders Emergency Services Credit Union®, (RESCU).

Today, RESCU continues to expand and implement tools, technologies, products, and services to benefit its members. RESCU now has two branch locations to serve members. Spokane Branch and the Post Falls Branch. We plan on additional branch locations through out Washington and Idaho. We take great pride and care in Serving Those Who Serve, and in Putting First Responders First. It is unmistakably clear that Responders Emergency Services Credit Union®, (RESCU), is the First, and Best choice for Civil First Responders.